Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goodbye 2008 Hallo 2009

It would be robbery to start 2009 without thanking God for 2008. He enabled us to accomplish much by any standard and He has preserved us. We are very grateful.
December had many activities. One of these was a youth conference in Mukono. (Some of the participants at the conference)-Picture
Among the topics that were covered was Health and hygiene.
Off Tu Mission also provided safe water daily to the over 800 participants.
The water transported in 1000 litre tank was collected from the LWTS at Off Tu Mission and later from Ntawo which is closer to the venue (Mukono High School)where the conference was held.
Youths at Tigers club were also trained on Health and Hygiene. This was at a Christmas party organized by Off Tu Mission. At Tigers' club were youths from the streets in Kampala who were trained on Hygiene and sanitation practices such as hand washing and safe disposal of human waste.

Water supply at the youth conference

As of 2009, we are privileged to have a country coordinator for the WMI Uganda programme. Clark McNutt is his name,and he is already in the country,we are glad to have him.
Our Partnership and cooperation is growing further and we pray that God will use both ministries,to his Glory in Uganda.
Clark McNutt our Country Coordinator...

Ritah teaching on Health and Hygiene at Tigers' Club

Youths at the Mukono conference enjoying safe water

... youths at Tigers' Club washing their hands ... before sharing a meal with Off Tu Mission members

Monday, December 8, 2008

November- Living Water

November has been a rather exciting month in the water department at Off Tu Mission.
We officially opened one more water system, and this was at Stella Maris primary school.

The school administration appreciated WMI and Off Tu Mission very much for the gift of safe water.
the district inspector of schools- (Mukono) officially opening the LWTS

Staff, pupils and community members of at Stella Maris reaching for a drink of safe water.

There was also disaster response in Ishasha- western Uganda. During the month of November, there was an influx of refugees from the DR Congo into Uganda. They were fleeing from political instability in the Eastern part of DR Congo.
The presence of the refugees presented a number of challenges to the region. Among these was over crowding, inadequate sanitary facilities, and lack of safe water.

A team of 3 (Andre', Fred and Johnson) left Off Tu Mission for Ishasha, and the situation they found left a lot to be desired. The only source of water was the river Ishasha whose water is not clean.

As the pictures show, people were bathing in the river, swimming, washing clothes and dishes; to mention but a few. More over, due to lack of sanitary facilities, the bushes around the river were used as latrines. All the above posed a threat of the out break of water borne diseases.

A living Water Treatment System was installed there fore to provide safe and clean water to the people.

Monday, November 3, 2008

October 2008

On 21st October, a team set off for Western Uganda to see to the official opening of the 4 water systems in the region. The team was also to participate in Evangelism, as well as training on Health, Hygiene and Sanitation. We thank God who enabled us to achieve all the above. All the water systems in this region are in schools and these include; Kinoni Girls' School, Muntuyera boys' High school, Kinyasano Girls'Secondary School and Bweranyangi Girls' School. All the schools were very grateful for the gift of safe water.

Kinoni Girls' School is one that had been hit hard due to lack of water. The school population had dwindled from over 1000 to just 200. This is because once students reported and realised that they had to fetch water moreover from a long distance, they would not return the following term. By October , they had already registered an increase in the number of students all because they now have access to water with in the school.

They were very grateful to Water Missions International, Off Tu Mission and all those that partner with these organisations to make this possible.

Charles playing Key board during a praise session at Kinoni Girls' School.

Students participating by answering questionnaires on Hygiene

Some of the 'roads' in the region.

When the going gets tough...

Storage tanks at Bweranyangi Girls' School

Students of Kinyasano girls' school ready to hear from the team

Staff and student community of Kinyasano Girls' school

A moment of Thanks giving for the gift of ; not just water, but safe water.

...the tough get going.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September 2008

In the water department as in all things,we have had a lot to celebrate.
The Vice President of International programs -Water missions International was here!!!
George Greene IV (a.k.a George IV) arrived on the 19th, and was with us into October. He came for strategic planning, public relations with various stakeholders like Rotary clubs and the Minister of Water; the Hon.Maria Mutagamba.

George IV(left) with Hon Maria Mutagamba, Johann and Joseph-a Rotarian

On the 23rd of September, we officially opened 1 more LWTS- Nakanyonyi. This Particular one was opened by George IV and is one of the first two Solar powered systems we have in Uganda. The community of Nakanyonyi was very grateful for the wonderful gift of not just water, but safe living water. They said that for over 20 years they had been trying to find sources of water that would help them solve the problem but to no avail.
Prior to assistance from WMI, the nearest source was 1 kilometer away. The system was installed in Nakanyonyi secondary School, they testify that now their students will have more time to concentrate on their studies. This is because they won't have to run around looking for water anymore. Thanks to WMI and all the partners, now they have it as a miracle in their compound!! We thank you all for your tireless efforts that help to make this possible.

George Opening the System

Finally... time to taste the"too good to be true "

water- George first ... just in case...

George looking at Kiteezi area

George in a meeting with Off tu Mission Water Dept. members

The Off Tu Mission team after a dinner with George.

Health and Hygiene trainings were also conducted. One wants to be sure that the communities know how to utilize the water and how to maintain proper hygiene.

The students were taught to;
Brush teeth properly...

Wash hands well with soap...

Nakanyonyi Primary school pupils listening to Peace as she teaches on Health and Hygiene

George IV (left) with members of the Off Tu Mission water department team

A time to thank God for his goodness that has been expressed in the form of a "miracle-Water "

Members of Nakanyonyi community join in a Prayer of Thanksgiving.

Some of those that gathered on the day of official opening.

Monday, September 15, 2008


The water department at Off Tu Mission is an extension of a Global/ International organisation - Water Missions International. (WMI).
At Off Tu Mission we are glad to have had Cynthia Pennington- (VP Finance and Adminstration WMI) Visit us briefly. Cynthia we are glad you came.
More information about Water Missions International can be found on this site:
During August, our emphasis in the water department(at Off Tu Mission) was on assessments.
Various areas were visited ranging from schools to communities.

This is an example of a water source in one of the Communities.

The water flows from the hill through the under growth and at this point it is tapped and collected.

Some of the children from the Ddundu Community who had come to fetch water.

The stream continues down the road, and crosses the road surface in the process

Ready, set, go home... with water
(Felix M) In the back

Felix getting a sample from one of the sources.

Improvisation at a stream... the Vision of Water missions International is to move from such, to...

better water sources,better livelihood -Purified living water.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The community members of Nakisunga together with Off tu Mission enjoy a drink of safe water from the LWTS during the commissioning.

The Nakisunga LWTS was commissioned on 31st July.

we have also had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Mao Abayo from Nigeria, and Andre' Mergentaler from Water missions International.
Andre' has been working with the Uganda team in the water department, and Dr. Mao had come for training. He was also looking at the WMI Uganda Program in relation to Nigeria . We bless God for all that has been Accomplished through them.

Andre' looking at one of the sites in Kumi.

Dr. Mao looking at one of the water sources in Gayaza

Pictures showing some of the work that was done at Bishop Ilukor Secondary school.